supplies all the water and nutrition your baby needs to the 6th month
mark. On very hot days your baby will not stick to the regular routine
you know and love, no, they will want to nurse a couple of times an
hour. This is perfectly normal. (In fact, if you lived full time in
the desert, like the !Kung, you would regularly feed your baby 4-6
times per hour, and any less would label you a terrible mother, worthy
of scorn and derision).
Because your baby is nursing
frequently, and your breasts are soft all day, and perhaps your little
one is cranky with a rash, it is natural to think- "Ack, my milk is
gone. HELP!"
I am here to be THE VOICE OF REASON.
it is warmer than a delicious 72 degrees (or 22 for those working in
Celsius) Expect that your child will want to nurse more. How much
more? Depends on how hot it is! Hot and dry conditions will need more
nursing. You do not need to offer extra water, your body actually
changes the composition in hot weather to give your child more H2O,
tastier than the glorious Hetch Hetchy. Just make sure you are drinking
to thirst, not walking around with a sticky, dry mouth, and a
headache; water, juice, drip-drop, anything that is not caffeinated and
is drinkable is what you need!
If you are mixed feeding-
some boob/some formula and it is HOT, then you can offer plain safe
water in a cup or bottle in addition to the regular routine. But
nursing more often also does the trick.
Total formula
feeders can increase the water offered from 3-5 oz to 6-10oz. Don't
water down the formula, just offer some water at other times. Your
thirsty babes will thank you!
So relax, no need to worry, or tote around a lot of extra stuff-
ONXO Nurse Charity